Category Archives: Bipolar Disorder

#balance, #bipolar, #therapy, #wellness, #attitude, #coping, #depression, #empathy, #endstigma, #hcsm, #mentalhealth, #mentalillness, #peersupport, #psychology, #psychiatry, #selfcare, #selfhelp, #caring,
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World Suicide Prevention Day 2020

Good god. I’m setting a calendar reminder for all of the September 9ths for all of the future ever: “Avoid social media tomorrow

The Worst? – Seeing or Not Seeing Manic Symptoms

Trying to decide which is the worst: Being told I am displaying symptoms of mania when I don’t see them (& they are legit), or displaying symptoms of mania when I do see them (& they are legit)?

Does there have to be a worst? Yes. And it is whichever I am in at the time. And I usually hate myself at the time, or the “myself” that is bipolar and not me as a person that’s more than bipolar. And at the least, I question my very existence and how I present myself and what’s real.

And And And

What Have You Lost?

What Have You Lost?

After keeping my name and my work offline for several years, I visited The Brooklyn Art Library, and decided to submit a sketchbook of my own.

My book is titled “What Have You Lost?” From my Author Bio:

I found a little zine in a stack of old papers in my parents’ basement. The question and confession are still true.

In it I wrote:
“WHAT AM I DOING? Once spoken aloud, all statements sound trite.
“OBSERVED: in store / on subways / on street.
“MY CONFESSION: I think this is why I stopped writing.”

So I wondered: What can I write that’s honest? What can I write that’s true?

*What Have You Lost?*

And I started writing again, here….

I’m dropping it off tomorrow and once it’s been digitized I will post the link here. This is new. This is big. It’s me, with my name and everything. See you soon.

What Do You Want To Know? It’s Been So Long….

It’s been a very long time.

When I started writing this blog, I did it because I wanted to share day-to-day things, by a person who happened to have bipolar disorder. Now, bipolar is everywhere: characters in movies, tv shows, even commercials. (Okay, the commercials are largely PSAs, but, hey, it’s helpful.)

My partner-in-crime and I have a special thing that we do whenever there’s a bipolar character – We shout “Bipolar!!” and his right and my left fists approach each other, then pull back like they’ve exploded. There are sounds, too. It’s pretty great.

We’ve been doing it a lot over the past year. Authors, screenwriters, playwrights are writing about their bipolar parents, siblings, friends, or selves. Sometimes it’s happy, a lot of the time there’s pain that just can’t be entirely fictional. I think it speaks to how far the conversation has come, and about the new generation of artists who grew up with the illness and can express it without the censure that surrounded mental illness. Mental illness affects about *one in every ten people (*did not look this up just now, but it’s close), so everyone knows someone affected. We all must. And now we can talk about it.

So – What do you want to hear about? A new question about life with bipolar? A list of tv and movie characters with bipolar disorder whenever I catch the reference? How to balance life and work, if you’ve just been diagnosed? Let me know, and I’ll start writing again.



No One Asked How Joey’s Doin’

Don’t know who to credit to.


The Happy To-and-From (#wiwt)

Wearing an orange flowery coat makes the

to-and-from a lot more fun.


Grumble Grumble – Oh! Taylor Swift!

The day was great until 4pm. So I:
1) Rented “Valentine’s Day” because Taylor Swift is a goofball;
2) Bought “I’m getting that cold” groceries; and
3) Called my Mom, the best part of the day.

Taylor Swift is on the elevator with the stuffed bear. Gotta go!


It is Possible…

Syncletica of Alexandria: “It is possible to live as a solitary in one’s mind while living in a crowd; and it is possible for those who are solitaries to live in the crowd of their own thoughts.”
